OrangeFox Tours
TOP25 BCN Tour Summary
The Time Line
150 a.C. - 200 C.e. Iberian settlements over the Montjuic hill
200 C.e. - 1000 C.e. Roman town Barcino
200 C.e.: Roman walls (Porta de Mar, Porta Septentrional, Porta Decumana Occidental, Porta Meridional), Temple d'August, Forum, Curia
260 C.e.: Aqueducte, Attachments to the norther wall, Castellun Aquae, Port suburban terms, Roman Villas on Montjuic hill and in Sant Andreu.
500 C.e. - ХVIIc. Medieval Barcelona
550 C.e.: Esglesia de Sant Miguel, Plimer Grup Episcopal, Segon Grup Episcopal.
1100: Initial Catedral, Rec Comtal and mills;
1300: Walls around Gotica and the northern part of Born, Drassana built by Pere II;
1400: Gotic Catedral, Walls around Raval, the eastern Born and the seaside; 8 gates (Porta de Trenta Claus, Porta de la Boqueria, Porta Ferrissa, Porta de Santa Anna, Porta de Canaletes, Porta de Jonqueres, Portal Nou, Porta del Born);
1500: Gates in Raval wall (Porta de Santa Madrona, Porta de Sant Pau, Porta de Sant Antoni);
1700: Bastions (del Portal de Sant Antoni, De Tallers, De Jonqueres, De Sant Pere, Del Portal Nou, De Santa Clara, DeLlevant, De Migdia);
1750: Ciutadella, Indianes in Born and Raval;
1840: Industrialisation in Born and Raval;
After 1850. Industrial Barcelona
1859: Plan Cerda;
1868: Revolution, demolition of the Ciutadella
1888: Barcelona Universal Exposition;
1893: Sewerage project by Garcia Faria;